Adoption Ambassador is an exciting program that allows foster families to help find loving families for their foster pets from the comfort of home. By marketing and advocating for their foster animals online, our Adoption Ambassador fosters are able to reduce the time their foster pets spend at the shelter waiting for a family of their own. Learn all about each step of the process here, from marketing to home sweet home!
Schedule an Appointment!
You can now schedule your foster pick-ups and rechecks online!
Interested in picking up a new foster? Or do you need to schedule a check up for your current foster? Being able to plan ahead for your visit means that we can help you and your foster babies more efficiently and quickly. Just click the button below to visit our Acuity Scheduling Page to make your appointment today!
Taken some extra cute pictures of your foster lately?
Fill out our survey or send them to our Foster Coordinator at [email protected]!
How to Adoption Ambassador |
Easy Marketing Guide |
Adoption Ambassador Counseling Guide |
How to Complete an Adoption |
SPAS Adoption Profile |
Meet & Greet Follow Up Form |
Additional Resources
- HeARTs Speak - This nonprofit organization specializes in helping shelter pets through the power or creative, positive marketing. Their website is full of inspiration and tips about photography, bio writing, and more!
- Animal Farm Adoption Marketing Guide - This comprehensive guide from the Animal Farm Foundation walks shelter staff and fosters through the process of marketing from start to finish.
- The Petco Foundation's Foster Marketing Webinar - Listen to a group of animal welfare's top marketing minds talk about helping foster pets find the perfect adopters!
- Virtual Meet & Greets - Learn how to host a virtual meet and greet with potential adopters to make sure everyone stays safe and healthy during the adoption process. Check out another example here.